Saturday, January 31, 2009

We got cats actin like lifeguards, lifeguards actin like cats?

Oh sweet, sweet goodness. This is the moment I never thought would come. I have finished sending off my graduate school applications. Twelve schools. Hopefully I will get into at least one program, although I doubt I will get into any of the really good ones I applied to because for some reason I applied to every top photo MFA program. I would be pleased to be accepted into just one program, so if that goal is accomplished then I am happy. I just can't believe I did it though. Sending things off was incredibly difficult. Statements. Cds. Forms. I am dizzy remembering that business. 

I taught myself coptic binding this week. I like it and think it is a lot of fun. Also, on a related note, I had a dream that I beat the shit out of one of my professors. Weird. I am helping Alan move today. I always get a little sad when moving because I remember times spent at wherever the place is, even if I hate the place I still get a little nostalgic. This is never good seeing as how I do most everything I can to forget most memories I have. Oh well. Speaking of Nostalgia, while cleaning my desktop off this week, I eventually moved to the interior of the desk and came across many memories. This is not unusual. One is bound to uncover relics with memories attached in a situation like this and of course I did. The unusual thing was, during the hour I was laboring away I received two phone calls from old friends and like 7 messages/comments on various networking sites. Kinda weird. And related to this, Feb. 2 is in two days...

Anyways, I got a letter telling me I have a photograph that will be published in an upcoming issue of Photographers Forum for making it into the Finalists group for a grant I applied for several months ago. Also, the same photograph will be published in an upcoming book called Emerging Photographers of 2009. So that is exciting and I wish I could have had that on my resume for all these schools I just sent my resume to. But it is okay. Alan is waiting on me. Let me find some videos to tide everyone over real quick.

Apparently this is what I am like frequently. I am okay with that.

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